Life in a Lighthouse

Laughter-One of our greatest blessings! Lighthouses-We're created by God to be light for Him, stand on His rock, and guide one another in safety and care.(They're the only thing I collect!)I am a blessed child of God, the wife of 1, the mother of 3...boys, that is! I love good coffee, I love a friend even more. I love my parents and my pets, I love reading and being in the kitchen. I'm sentimental and sarcastic (oops!). I struggle everyday with my "humanness" - I am saved by grace. Whew!

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Getting started - wow! This is a little intimidating, and alot overwhelming. I have been at my desk for an hour and can't get anywhere. I am so excited to get started, and already enjoy so many of your blogs! So much to say and so little figured out with this whole Blogland stuff. Put a call into my brother for help - stay tuned!